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Tigers continue to the summit with the Green Lang walked. Walked along the winding mountain road tens of miles, this rose little knowledge, to the mountainside six little knowledge of height. Here is a scene change, unlike the following as covered with a variety of wild vegetation, but the distribution of pills a garden. Garden planted with a variety of drugs and the elixir of immortality, neat, gratifying. Looked at the medicine garden Wicked constantly busy, so that sort of intimacy Tigers birth, could not help think of his own people. Green Lang saw the Tigers stopped and looked at the roadside drug po daze, thinking toms outlet not seen these, also stopped to explain: these drugs are all tiger royal garden.

Therefore, each family will be in their own territory to open up medicine garden for planting general elixir, to take care of the family slaves. Tiger Hill Aura most rich, but also the best quality herbs planted. Walked, Green Lang while continuing commentary : see yet ? Those who care medicine garden, and all are six bands Wicked ! Only open Euro RSCG 's Wicked, to do the job ! Tigers surprised: toms shoes sale see just this neighborhood medicine garden, there are dozens in the first six bands Wicked care. Beyond that there must be more.

Hey,cheap toms, ten thousand slaves medicine, Lin servant five thousand, three thousand fatigues, plus most of the children of the royal family of the tiger, which is the resident population of the Tiger. Drug slaves, servants and fatigues forest, part of the selection from the royal tiger subordinate slave family, the more it is a voluntary member of a small family to this play. After all, Tiger 's aura is too strong, and those who do not have much practice resources small children of the family, most willing to engage in such work. One can accelerate the speed of practice, it can also take the opportunity to touch some of the big names, the future development is very good. http://www.ocsalumni.com/images/donate.aspx

